Saturday, 7 May 2011

Assassins Creed: Revelations - New details

New details have emerged concerning AC: Revelations and how it will differ from it's predecessors. Ezio's motivation for heading to Constantinople will be to retreive seals which let Ezio delve into Altair's conscience, much like how Desmond uses the animus. Ezio will be in his 50's in the next game which explains why this is his last outing. Altair is also confirmed as a playable character too.

The new hook blade will allow Ezio to use ziplines to cross to different areas, and can also be used in combat. As well as that, Ezio can now craft over 300 explosives. Eagle vision has been renamed Eagle sense and now offers more information on the target:

"Eagle sense let's you focus on a character and see where he's been. You'll get an approximation of where he will go. If you're able to detect the path a guard will take, you can run ahead, set a bomb, and create a trap or an ambush."

As well as the return of Borgia towers, there are now so-called Assassin dens which can be upgraded and have things like ziplines added to them. However these dens can be attacked when you become infamous, you can assign troops to defend the den, defend it yourself or assign a master assassin to watch over the den. Speaking of assassins, they can now be leveled to 15. Another change is to do with side missions which are now random and occur spontaneously.

Desmond is also back and he's discovered something new: the Black Chamber, a safe surrounding where he can revisit earlier lost memories.

Multiplayer also returns with new customisation options and a more narrative structure.

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