Tuesday, 4 February 2014

American Hustle Review

American Hustle is a film I personally didn't know much about other than it was based around con artists and set in the 70's. Directed by acclaimed director  David O. Russel, (The Fighter and Silver Linings Playbook) the film stars Christian Bale, Amy Adams, Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper. American Hustle is a stylish well-paced film that showcases some fantastic acting and is certainly one of Russel's best films.

The plot follows Irving Rosenfeld (Bale), a cunning conman who works with Sydney Prosser (Adams) to con money using a loans company as a cover. However, when Richie DeMaso (Cooper) enters the picture, Rosenfeld and Prosser are forced into compliance with the FBI which leads them into conning the mafia, powerbrokers and politicians. The plot moves along at a nice pace and rarely slows apart from the opening twenty or thirty minutes. The 70's backdrop for the film looks slick and well crafted from the sets to the period clothing all giving the film a tone that emphasises the plot and the world of con artists.

Bale as Irving Rosenfeld and Adams as Sydney Prosser

There's some fine acting on show here, with Adams' seductive Prosser being a particular highlight as you're never quite sure who's side she's on. Other members of the cast help too with some larger-than-life performances from Bradley Cooper's ambitious and over reaching DeMaso to Jennifer Lawrence's wild and unpredictable Rosalyn. Bale plays a more understated role in this film which at times seemed a little too overdone, at times I wasn't sure if he was less competent as a con artist than the likes of Prosser, but his talent does shine through nonetheless. The film also has a humorous tone at various points particularly with the scenes at the FBI with DeMaso and his overblown ego and Lawrence's outbursts.

The film often walks the line of the audience not knowing who is conning who and at times this becomes detrimental to the film as a whole as some sections were a little too complicated for me and I'm sure for others but some will delight in the unpredictable nature of the film and the subject of cons. I also found the ridiculousness of some of the 'plays' or methods of conning people a little too out there but these are small problems really.

Overall, I thought American Hustle was a slick and stylish movie with substance too thanks to great acting particularly from Amy Adams and Bradley Cooper. Although the plot became too bogged down for its own good at times, it did not stop the film from being enjoyable and an interesting take on the 1970's, con artists and is one of Russel's best films to date.

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